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Chairman Yang Wenrong attended the two sessions of the city and made a proposal on the cultivation of high-skilled talents


Chairman Mr. Yang Wenrong, as a member of the CPPCC, participated in the two sessions of Huzhou City in early March, and in the group discussion, he published "About giving full play to the advantages of vocational education" , strengthen the training of high-skilled talents, and help the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.” From the perspective of the current situation of the city and the needs of enterprises, it is proposed to further create a social atmosphere that attaches importance to skills and respects skilled workers; continue to improve the dynamic adjustment of professional settings in vocational colleges, and guide vocational colleges to closely focus on the development of local industries, especially the manufacturing industry , scientifically and rationally setting up majors, continuously optimizing the professional structure, increasing financial support and incentives and other 5 suggestions, which were recognized by the participating committee members.

Mr. Yang speaks at the meeting

Group photo of the participants