
Industry Information

Industry Information

Revolutionary breakthrough of supercapacitors, charging motor cars in seconds is not a dream


According to the British Automotive News website AutocarReported in collaboration with the University of Surrey (University of Surrey) and the University of Bristol (University of Bristol) The collaborating research institute says its supercapacitor can fully charge an electric car in seconds, fast enough to charge the battery The device pales in comparison.


The organization is named< /span>Augmented Optics, which claims a breakthrough in electric vehicle battery research and the ability to demonstrate that supercapacitors are more powerful than equivalent batteries1000to10,00 s0 times. It is understood that the supercapacitor is expected to make the driving range and charging time of electric vehicles the same as traditional fuel vehicles, and be more efficient and environmentally friendly. Supercapacitors will replace batteries in electric vehicles.

Augmented OpticsCompany span>CEOJimHeathcoteJim Heathcote) said that research into new materials was the main reason for the breakthrough. Although the energy density is expected to be lower than traditional lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles (meaning lower storage capacity per kilogram), the supercapacitors charge much faster, Even if the mileage is only half of the mileage of a lithium battery electric vehicle300Fast charging will still satisfy many people.The company added that the supercapacitors will"revolutionize electrical devices that previously depended on battery power to operate< /span>”, such as laptops, phones, and tablets.

Tesla span>CEOElon·Musk is supportive of supercapacitors, but he is on social media It says: We want to make a breakthrough in energy density. Augmented Opticsthinks its supercapacitors may be the breakthrough Musk is referring to. It is reported that China already has a fleet of buses equipped with supercapacitors, although these vehicles have not yet achieved the claimed range of Augmented OpticFurther development is expected to achieve new breakthrough.

University of Surrey< /span>Brendan HowlinDr.:The world is looking for new energy storage technologies, And this new supercapacitor has the potential to open the door to exciting developments beyond what was imagined.

Heathcote said: We are actively seeking commercial partners to provide products to help build ultra-high energy density storage devices.” Augmented OpticsIt also cited Musk's vested interest in the technology, indicating that it looked forward to engaging with Tesla on the matter.

Heathcote said, They have been conducting research in secret and only last week filed for a world patent. The company hopes to start working on a prototype in the spring of 2017spring. According to Heathcote, cost will not be a barrier for the technology to enter the market, because no rare elements are used in production, and the supercapacitors do not lose performance even if they are recharged.